Maybe We Could Try to Get Together That Hopefully Things Are Better??

Coronavirus: Will our day-to-twenty-four hours always be the same?

(Credit: Emmanuel Lafont)

Covid-xix will likely accept permanent effects on the way we piece of work. But the way nosotros live, socialise and move nigh the world will be unlike, too.

How will the way nosotros alive await different in the wake of the pandemic?

We don't yet know the answer – and, in some respects, we don't even know the right questions to ask. That's why we've been surveying dozens of global idea leaders, doers and thinkers for our special Unknown Questions series, in which we're unearthing the biggest questions nosotros should be asking as we movement toward a post-pandemic social club.

In this edition, nosotros wait at how the virus will continue to change the way we alive – from the fashion we build and alive in cities to how we move between countries and continents.

Travelling will likely be profoundly different for the foreseeable future, experts say, including who'll be able to travel and where they'll be able to do it

Travelling will likely be greatly dissimilar for the foreseeable time to come, experts say, including who'll exist able to travel and where they'll exist able to do information technology

Tony Wheeler: Co-Founder, Lonely Planet
Will only the wealthy exist able to travel?

When it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, I keep repeating baseball histrion and philosopher Yogi Berra's wise advice that "Information technology's tough to brand predictions, especially about the futurity."

In the travel game, it's tough even to understand what's going on in the present. Some countries (Australia) won't let people out, other countries (America) won't let people in, even when they're coming from a place with a better virus story. Or y'all can leave (the UK) and go somewhere else (the list changes daily) but to observe (typically at iv a.m.) all sorts of restrictions on your return.

None of this encourages travel, and it's probably a prophylactic bet that merely making the decision to caput for the departure gate is going to be a fraught choice for some time to come. Quite apart from dealing with the bureaucracy and rules, I'm afraid that mail-pandemic travel volition be to a very different new earth. Will we be welcomed? Will we exist safe? And tin can we afford it? It will exist a sad new world if travel becomes something only for the rich and gap-year travel becomes a rite of passage that ceases to exist.

Of class, a travel reassessment will give us the opportunity to tackle some of the industry's inevitable drawbacks from a fresh perspective, but will nosotros tackle overtourism and climatic change, or just turn the power back on and hit restart?

Audrey Azoulay: Director-General, Unesco
How will AI shape our lives post-Covid?

Covid-19 is a test similar no other. Never earlier have the lives of so many people around the world been affected at this scale or speed.

Over the by six months, thousands of AI innovations accept sprung upward in response to the challenges of life under lockdown. Governments are mobilising machine-learning in many ways, from contact-tracing apps to telemedicine and remote learning.

Still, as the digital transformation accelerates exponentially, it is highlighting the challenges of AI. Ethical dilemmas are already a reality – including privacy risks and discriminatory bias.

It is up to us to decide what we want AI to look like: there is a legislative vacuum that needs to be filled now. Principles such as proportionality, inclusivity, human being oversight and transparency tin can create a framework allowing us to anticipate these issues.

This is why Unesco is working to build consensus amongst 193 countries to lay the ethical foundations of AI. Building on these principles, countries will exist able to develop national policies that ensure AI is designed, adult and deployed in compliance with fundamental man values.

As we confront new, previously unimaginable challenges – like the pandemic – we must ensure that the tools nosotros are developing work for us, and not against united states of america.

Ezekiel Emanuel: Member, Biden-Harris Covid-xix Advisory Lath and Chair of the Section of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania
What volition we exist craving in a post-pandemic world?

There are three clear legacies from the Covid-19 pandemic. They all derive from the unnatural and unpleasant circumstances imposed past the pandemic and the necessary public wellness responses.

Get-go, we all want security. The pandemic has filled united states of america with uncertainty and insecurity. The natural response is to want security. This means security in having an income, kid care, family leave and other things necessary to intendance for your family during a pandemic. Every country volition have to critically evaluate its social safety cyberspace and shore it up.

Second, we all want sociabilities. Human are social animals. The isolation imposed by Covid-nineteen is debilitating. We want to have opportunities to exist with other people, share meals, share a drinkable in the pub, and share activities. We see this when restrictions are eased how people run for parties and grouping settings. Opportunities and venues for sociabilities will become huge post-Covid.

Tertiary, travel will explode later on the pandemic. People like (safe) novelty and changes of scenery. We have all been locked down with the monotony of the same rooms, same walking routine, inability to come across new things. When it is safe to travel, people will go, get, go.


  • Melinda Gates, Zoom CEO Eric Southward Yuan and more answer: How could the world of piece of work change forever?
  • Readers' thoughts: The biggest unknowns in a post-pandemic piece of work globe

Giuseppe Sala: Mayor of Milan and Chair of the C40 Mayors Covid-nineteen Recovery Task Force
How can nosotros protect metropolis dwellers?

Cities have already fundamentally inverse every bit a outcome of the Covid crisis. By delivering a green and just recovery from the pandemic, we tin create the cities and the future we want. Working closely with local communities and businesses, mayors effectually the globe take taken urgent action to protect the health and wellbeing of our citizens.

Nosotros're helping create proficient dark-green jobs, supporting primal workers, investing in prophylactic, resilient mass transit, rapidly expanding cycle lanes and increasing the corporeality of green space in our cities. The feel of lockdown has made articulate the need for well resourced, local amenities, which is why many people are looking at xv-infinitesimal cities, where all city residents are able to meet most of their needs within a curt walk or bike ride from their homes.

Many of these innovations have been introduced incredibly quickly, demonstrating only how fast things can modify. And they are here to stay. A return to 'business organisation as usual' would not but be a monumental failure of imagination, but lock in the inequities laid bare by the pandemic and the inevitability of more devastating crises due to climate breakdown. That could exist the most hopeful legacy of this most challenging twelvemonth.

Ma Yansong: Architect and Founder of MAD Architects, Beijing
What's the role of public spaces in cities?

Covid-19 at the very commencement is a public health issue, and then was farther developed as a political concern. It challenged the nature of urban design, and pushed united states of america to reconsider the apply architecture and city infinite.

"Sharing" used to be one of the most important agenda in urban design and planning. In our by architectural practices, nosotros used to brand a lot of efforts on providing more open space to stimulate social interactions, which was considered as a positive and revolutionary activeness. Still, the pandemic led to more than discussions on isolation and social distancing, rather than sharing and co-living. Our efforts on providing meliorate public infinite is questioned, and they might be considered not that of import anymore.

However, in the long run, public infinite will withal exist the foundation for sharing our cities. We can't imagine the city as a perfectly functioning infirmary, because the city should surpass functionality and reflect our ideal for living. Interpersonal communication is notwithstanding essential, but in the mail service-pandemic era might be greatly challenged.

Maimunah Mohd Sharif: Executive Director, United Nations Human being Settlements Programme
How could cities help solve pandemic inequalities?

With an estimated 90% of all reported Covid-xix cases recorded in urban areas, cities have get the epicentre of the pandemic. At the aforementioned time, I believe that the solutions to the socio-economic and wellness challenges will be found in cities.

Cities are already irresolute because residents have transformed the way they alive and work. Governments have woken up to the urgent demand to address bug effectually inequalities.

Information technology is not the density of cities that leads to people beingness infected, it is unequal access to acceptable housing, energy, water, sanitation, ship, green public spaces, healthcare and pedagogy. Cities will run across dramatic changes because citizens will non put up with these inequalities. What nosotros will look for in a home and in our living surroundings will exist determined by where nosotros find ourselves. My promise is that people will use their new-found political muscle to ensure that there is an equitable spread of resources in cities. As we build back amend, we will need an empathy revolution to ensure we do not leave behind the most vulnerable groups.

Another major alter for many is the discovery that we can work from home. We volition seek to retrofit our homes to be able to maximise the opportunities and tackle the challenges this transformation presents to u.s. all.

Ultimately, cities are made upward of people and the pandemic has shown that infinite growth has its limits. We either demand to suit, or become the way of the dinosaurs. I believe nosotros tin and will change. This is our opportunity to programme and regenerate environmentally sustainable cities which power the Secretary-Full general's vision of edifice back better and greener.

Janette Sadik-Khan: One-time Commissioner, New York City Department of Transportation
What volition transport look like?

Just a few months ago, the future of transportation was app-enabled mobility and visions of driverless cars. That version of the future crashed as the coronavirus advanced, and as machine traffic vanished from urban center streets.

The transportation rescue hasn't come in Ubers or robot cars. Cities on every continent responded by returning to quondam mobility and reclaiming roads for new uses. Milan, Paris and London are just some of the cities that have converted hundreds of miles of former driving and parking lanes into bus and bike lanes, and outdoor eating house and café seating, allowing millions of residents to come up outside safely but past providing half dozen anxiety of safe distance.

These steps, which would accept been controversial earlier the pandemic, are today a offset draft of what a new future of transportation could look like in post-Covid cities. Six feet of condom infinite on roads and sidewalks is all that cities need to transition from life shut indoors to a reopened, outside economy. In that location is six feet of infinite concealed within individual lanes on almost every street that can exist readapted for safe, socially distant mobility, to create open up-air commercial districts, and to make space for outdoor classrooms and borough activities similar voting. The 6-human foot streets that the global economical recovery volition be built upon are already within reach, and the outdoor, place-making activities that they make possible can make cities, safer, more resilient and more sustainable long after the pandemic. The six-foot city is already inside accomplish on thousands of roads around the world, and wherever there are half-dozen feet, there is merely enough space to agree us all together.

Fewer planes are flying through the sky in the age of Covid, and the ultimate fate of the travel industry remains unknown and hanging in the balance

Fewer planes are flying through the sky in the age of Covid, and the ultimate fate of the travel industry remains unknown and hanging in the residuum

Michael Banissy: Professor of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London
How will we socialise?

Social interaction affects many areas of our lives impacting on the workplace, habitation life and many day-to-solar day activities. In many cases, one of the biggest predictors of mental and physical health is the quality of social relationships.

For me, the big questions linked to the pandemic therefore relate to how we can back up social interaction as nosotros motion forrard. With a variety of stages of lockdown there is no uncertainty that our opportunities for social interaction have reduced. Managing this reduction, whilst ensuring that nosotros support social wellness across our communities is critical to how nosotros live within, and recovery from, the pandemic. Will nosotros be open to using technology and social robotics more? Will technology give us the aforementioned quality of social interactions that are of import to social wellness, social innovation, and social productivity? Or will a craving for face-to-face interaction mean that we are less likely to engage with, and benefit from, these culling forms of interaction?

There is no dubiety that in that location will be many new social norms, simply we can exist certain that we're probable to desire to be social – to get together and talk nearly it all.

Rafat Ali: CEO and Founder, Skift
How much will the travel industry shrink?

The large question we at Skift are grappling with is this: is the future of travel smaller? As in, will be $3tn global travel sector become permanently smaller in the post-pandemic world? There are signs that the learnt behaviour of a earth close for months and maybe years to come volition persist: the airline industry will most definitely be a smaller sector, with bankruptcies, layoffs and shutting down routes. Parts of business travel, the wanton criss-crossing of the global for a single meeting diversity, for example, may be gone forever equally we have become habituated to the adept-plenty earth of Zoom, and lot more than tech innovations to come that make video meetings lot better. The behemothic events industry that spawns a lot of travel may not return to its total physically glory of the by, as virtual events have concur and erode the economics of the till-now-very profitable sector.

Every bit the international borders are close in some form almost likely till stop of 2021, people are staying, driving and traveling locally, while short term rentals like Airbnb are doing amend than hotels. There are some hopeful signs for future: domestic travel, in large office sustained past small locally owned businesses and usually ignored past the behemothic travel marketing machinery in favour of big ticket international trips, is getting a heave and if people begin to appreciate their local regions more in years to come up, it would assistance with a smaller footprint on a planet that badly needs it. Radical localism, as I call it.

Dani Simons: Head of Public Sector Partnerships, Waze
How will nosotros go around?

Covid-xix has reshaped urban mobility. Instead of traveling to things, we've brought them to us, working from our living rooms, eating take-out at our tables. We've set new patterns that were unthinkable before. Merely most of us want to go out again. As that becomes possible, we take a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape how information technology's done, to encourage new, more sustainable habits.

In some cities, traffic congestion has already crept back, exceeding pre-Covid levels. Transit budgets have been hit hard in big cities around the world, and service cuts loom. If we don't human action apace, we could see more driving than pre-pandemic. Governments and businesses must consider how to optimise city infrastructure to keep traffic and pollution down, and ensure all residents – whether they can afford a car or not – tin can become around.

Data volition play a vital role in helping us choose wise interventions. Some, already in progress, like expanding infinite for walking and cycling encourage a 'new normal' for our transportation network that will be better for our cities. Carpooling will also help. Once social distancing measures are loosened, cities and businesses can incentivise citizens and employees with longer trips to carpool to assist reduce congestion and provide a flexible, affordable mode of transport.

Sam Kling: Global Cities Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
How volition cities atmospheric condition economical challenges?

Large, crowded cities already faced especially disruptive changes during the Covid-nineteen pandemic. Now they face up a set of economic challenges to lucifer.

These challenges are unique in that they target many of the very same features that propelled big, global cities to new economical and cultural heights over the past decades. Law, finance and consulting – industries whose loftier-flying growth helped create the modern global city – have abandoned ritzy downtown offices for Zoom (surely temporary – but for how long?).

Bars, restaurants and retail, the essential civilities serving an affluent 'creative class', are withering. So is mass transit. Tourism declines have altered the face up of meccas like Paris and London. In New York, word of an ultrawealthy exodus to the suburbs – tax dollars in tow – sparks even more budget panic.

Facing these challenges, cities will find pressure to practice what they have in the past: target budget cuts to the vulnerable, straight resources to luring the wealthy to stay and prop up the existing system. But a pandemic which shows the costs of urban inequality besides shows the dire need for a improve system. Cities did not create these issues alone, and they won't solve them lone either. Only is there volition to practise information technology? If so, they might create a fairer, more resilient and more humane urban life.

Anjali Mahendra: Manager of Enquiry, World Resources Establish
Will cities emerge stronger afterwards the virus?

Urban planning has been shaped past communicable diseases outbreaks for centuries. Cities are at the frontlines of Covid-19 bear on with the pandemic exposing existing mistake lines related to defective physical infrastructure and inequalities in access to public services. Big numbers of people practice not have decent housing to self-isolate, bones water and sanitation for handwashing, access to adequate healthcare or transport options, as healthcare systems are overwhelmed and public transport systems are upended.

We are also seeing the fragility of jobs that underpin urban economies. Numerous depression-wage formal sector jobs, as well as jobs in the breezy and gig economy, lack a stable income or essential safety nets in the course of employment contracts and insurance. Almost 13 million people in the Us are at present unemployed, and fourscore% of Bharat'southward almost half-billion [person] workforce is in precarious informal jobs.

Cities take a major opportunity to build resilience to future such shocks in a way that is much more inclusive. Investing in public services and infrastructure, including health surveillance and testing systems, improved living weather for low income people and supporting vulnerable workers, while enforcing guidelines to balance economic and public health concerns through collaboration betwixt local and national governments – are some ways cities can emerge stronger from this crisis. Still, important questions remain around whether these measures volition assist accost structural inequalities and whether the economic stimulus packages many countries are implementing will focus on making cities more inclusive, resilient and sustainable.

Amanda Levete: Principal, AL_A architecture, London
Can our community connections become more than meaningful?

This pandemic has raised overwhelming existential issues – problems around race, inequality and the environment. But it has likewise revealed the jiff-taking power of collective responsibility and shown that radical alter is possible.

Adversity has reminded us that nosotros all have a function to play in our interconnected globe, to be more responsible, answerable and generous and to capeesh the importance of small things. Nosotros demand to desire a more equitable society, and then design a more than equitable model effectually that, to create places where we can alive better together and better with nature. Places that promote a network of co-operation and where people can rediscover the fine art of living.

Cities are places of opportunity, and their success is the result of centuries of re-use and re-cribbing. Modify is the one abiding in cites, change is exciting and change is the engine of progress.

Nosotros demand to get closer to nature in our cities, maximise not minimise space standards in our homes, re-purpose role buildings that people no longer want to work in and empathise the importance of local.

Covid may attack our bodies, but distance and remoteness are threatening the very cultural foundation of our lives. More than e'er nosotros need to create better connectiveness in our communities to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Urban living may be replaced with remote work in suburban or rural areas. But the city dwellers to stay put will grapple with continued, Covid-underscored inequalities

Urban living may exist replaced with remote piece of work in suburban or rural areas. Just the city dwellers to stay put will grapple with continued, Covid-underscored inequalities

Parag Khanna: Founding & Managing Partner, FutureMap
What will happen to our passports?

In recent years, we have grown accustomed to Asian passports climbing the ladder of global admission – but not to Western passports tumbling downwards. The every-land-for-itself Covid-xix response has been especially savage to Americans, whose visa-gratis access plummeted from 183 to only 86 countries. And while those 86 included Canada and United mexican states, America'due south only two borders remained airtight anyway.

Furthermore, the European Union kept the U.s.a. off its 'rubber list'. Fifty-fifty with a vaccine, the organization will not render to what it was before: nationality volition not suffice to guarantee safe passage. Even for notwithstanding-powerful passports such as Japan, Singapore, Republic of korea and the European Union, boosted protocols volition be required to re-attain relatively frictionless mobility.

For example, to avert onerous quarantines, individuals will have to certify their health immunity through vaccination certificates and other special registrations. The new global mobility bureaucracy may thus be tied much more to private merit than nationality, with countries requiring significant checks on an private's financial, criminal and professional history. This may seem like an onerous new development, but it also levels the playing field for hard-working professionals from developing countries. There is no question that these trends in combination take boosted the entreatment of investment migration and citizenship programs, whether for 'digital nomad', those looking to acquire second passports or those changing nationality altogether. Connected hubs offering hassle-free entrepreneur visas such as the UAE, Singapore and Thailand are probable to do good. Every country for itself is besides condign every person for himself.

Donovan White: Director, Jamaica Tourism Lath
How will 'the post-Covid generation' change the way we travel?

Without a doubt, the ways we used to explore and engage while travelling take changed drastically. As we are now living with Covid, it is imperative that destinations, hotels, attractions, airlines – really the entire global tourist industry – continuously introduce solutions to meet the needs of "Gen-C", the post-Covid generation. Our communal experience is driving changes to lifestyle and safety requirements for the new way of travelling.

At the forefront is restoring traveller confidence and communicating how adjustments are impacting travel experiences at the local level. The heart of this is creating and marketing experiences that lend to stress-gratuitous travel within this new world.

Nosotros are seeing a growing number of bespoke and private experiences that allow travellers to more than hands physically altitude. Nosotros'll also continue to see a growing number of extended stay experiences that cater to work-from-anywhere and remote learning circumstances. For example, about international leisure travellers can stay in Jamaica for up to ninety days. Our visa extension application is turnkey for travellers, enabling extended stays for further remote work.

Equally the style we socialise shifts drastically, so will the way we travel – but the improvement of travel has begun every bit more destinations open up their doors and as Gen-C takes to the skies.

Sahil Gandhi: Visiting Beau, Centre for Social and Economic Progress, Bharat
How could Covid response improve housing quality?

It is now clear that densities were non the catalyst for the spread of Covid, but rather it was unmanaged densities, i.e., crowding. Slums in India and poorer neighbourhoods in US cities take been amid the most affected areas in the Covid pandemic. Poor sanitation and lack of make clean and adequate water supply, together with high indoor crowding and small dwelling spaces in Indian slums, take largely to exist blamed for this.

City governments and health departments accept struggled to control the spread of Covid in these areas. Besides suffering disproportionately from Covid outbreaks, slum dwellers have faced loss of livelihoods due to lockdowns and the ensuing economic slowdown. Historically slums have emerged due to the lack of formal housing for the urban poor. Slum settlements besides tend to come up in core cities where there are sufficient employment opportunities for the poor since many cannot afford to commute long distances. However, their weather have been neglected past policymakers. Efforts for slum improvement have been met with limited success and rehabilitation to areas in far-out suburbs has nearly never worked.

Covid has brought to the fore the need to prioritise slum comeback and livelihood support for the poor. Housing policy solutions such equally granting tenure security, upgrading amenities and services and folding decent-quality public housing inside the remit of public wellness demand to be explored.

Jerold Kayden: Professor of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University
Will cities remain resilient?

What will happen to cities? The honest answer is, no ane knows. To be certain, the pandemic has shaken the modern arrangement in unprecedented ways, simply at that place is a raison d'etre for cities not and then hands dislodged. The human thirst for live engagement with people and place is not easily quenched. In the past, in crisis after crunch, urban resilience has proved the sceptics wrong.

Still, the pandemic has revealed, and in some cases, accelerated urban vulnerabilities. Many role-based businesses have come to appreciate that some work performed by employees can exist done remotely. That means fewer employees at the office, fewer repast eaters in restaurants, fewer shoppers in stores. For some storefront retail, that could evangelize a terminal blow to a patient already suffering from the inroads of ecommerce. Cultural attractions may suffer to the extent of a reduced worker population that previously stayed on into the evening. A less-dynamic metropolis may be less alluring to tourists. Municipal finance and services could experience failing tax revenues. All in, the risks posed past knock-on furnishings cannot be hands dismissed.

Opportunities may arise elsewhere. If the locus of work becomes relatively more decentralised, then individuals at their remote locations may create a demand for new or enhanced local amenities. The pattern that emerges may include dispersed clusters of business, retail, cultural and public infinite offerings that serve dispersed populations.

Rachel Haot: Executive Director of Transit Innovation Partnership, New York City
How can the public and individual sectors work together?

In the Covid era, innovation is not optional.

In New York, we've created a framework for collaboration and innovation in the Transit Tech Lab, a public-private initiative launched past the Partnership for New York City and the Metropolitan Transportation Authorization, which moved more 1 billion people per twelvemonth via double-decker, subway and train pre-pandemic.

First, nosotros define goals and publish an open challenge, inviting companies to pitch their solutions. Next, public and private sector experts evaluate applications. Transit agencies then select the most promising technologies for a rapid proof-of-concept and, if successful, a longer partnership. This approach encourages innovators to work with government, broadening competition. Transit partners report that Lab graduates take saved them millions of dollars by optimising planning and operations.

To restore confidence in public transit amid the pandemic, nosotros announced the Covid-19 Response Challenge, which drew about 200 submissions internationally. Transit agencies are now testing eight technologies to create a healthier transit network, ranging from air filtration to digital monitoring.

Together, our partners are building a modern and efficient public transit organisation – and making New York more resilient in the process.

Chan Heng Chee: Chair of the Lee Kuan Yew Middle of Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Applied science and Pattern
What will city centres look similar?

I vest to the school that does not see smashing transformation mail service-Covid. Nosotros have exaggerated the changes that will take place. Nosotros should not underestimate how much people will revert to the norm and behaviours will non alter substantially.

In advanced industrialised economies, there is great concern almost the future of the office and the expiry of the city centre. Make no mistake, there will exist massive job losses considering of the pandemic. For those who have jobs, workers are embracing working from home and working digitally. Clearly, the digital economy will grow. So, there will exist both an online and offline approach to work and our mode of living. Some call this the emergence of the "composite city".

But what will become of urban center centres? After all, what is a global city or a leading metropolis without a vibrant city centre? Unused part infinite would be repurposed and ways of revitalising the city core will exist seriously attempted. Online meetings via different platforms take ruled the twenty-four hours, only it is uncertain if Zoom meetings volition produce the same trust and seal a deal with Asians. Concern travel will return, but perhaps will be more prudential, at least at the outset of the recovery. We tin can expect to encounter a greater adoption of automation and robots in factories in advanced economies. That was happening and volition be accelerated.

But perhaps the urban center core will not lose its place. Leading companies and banks will always need a CBD (Central Business District) head part . In less developed economies, there will exist astringent job losses too and a order in greater distress but there will be little change. These cities are overwhelmed by the pandemic and are trying to create jobs and growth. A small segment will work from domicile, but given the competitiveness of the tight chore market, many will choose to prove upwards in the office. We will not run across automation or utilize of robots accelerated as labour is cheap and resources are scarce, which may not be a bad thing.

This series is produced by: Philippa Fogarty, Simon Frantz, Javier Hirschfeld, Sarah Keating, Emmanuel Lafont, Bryan Lufkin, Rachel Mishael, Visvak Ponnavolu, Maddy Savage and Meredith Turits.


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